日本語、中国語が堪能な方 年齢22〜35歳ぐらい 一般パソコン作業が出来る方 日曜祝日+週1日(交代制)休み、10〜19時(休憩1時間) 試用期間:$18000hk 3ヶ月後〜本採用:$22000hk以上能力による 日本研修有り 海外社員旅行有り EXCELLENT IN JAPANESE AND CHINESE; AGED AT AROUND 22~35; BASIC COMPUTER SKI

診所服務: 內、外全科, X-光檢查, 驗血檢查, 小便檢查 , 眼科手術, 骨科手術, 洗牙護理, 留院服務, 殮葬服務, 健康證明書, 各種預防針注射, 健康檢查,由鄧老師提供的動物行為訓練課程,超聲波分析。
D寵物 / 獸醫Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic

Welcome to Dr. Eric ’ s Animal Clinic 歡迎光臨黎昌生獸醫診所 Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. The two clinics are own and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The practice is no
C寵物 / 獸醫Creature Comforts

金點/銀點/金影/銀影/布偶/緬因/藍金/紫金/曼基💯香港本地出生💮歡迎預約睇貓💮香港旺角實體店🐱小貓家族 Q cat family 🐱🌟🌟本店設有全香港首間新手貓奴專區🌟🌟
寵物 / 寵物轉讓小貓家族 Q Cat Family

Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

Proficient in Illustrator, Photoshop and After effect, Experience in advertising or market, Degree or diploma in design or related discipline, At least 3 years solid working experience in graphic d
服務業招聘 / 香港區招聘公牛電子商貿科技公司

熟悉軟件:Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effect, Indesign 學歴:香港理工大學廣告設計學 文學士學位課程 我接受並不限於以下工作:Logo 設計、影片剪輯/編輯、海報設計、PowerPoint設計、印刷設計 Publication Design、排版設計 Typesetting Design、網絡/戶外廣告設計

5年工作經驗 專業的服務態度 價錢實惠
l設計 / 電腦動畫lempnpower1000

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

Due to the effect of school closures during the pandemic, student's academics are falling behind. Now is a good time to pick up the pace and catch up. 由於疫情期間學校運作大受影響,學生的學業直接受牽連。現在是加快步伐並迎頭趕上的好時機。

可付HK$10000 領養費,要見有父母及健康。領養後可以再约相見!會俾—个温暖的家给他. (本人有養狗的經驗) pay HK $ 10000 for adopt, After adoption, you can meet again! Can give the dog a warm home. (I have experience in raising dogs)

🌸練習需要,招美睫model. 可選擇單根或者山茶花。 觀塘單人工作室,私隱度高,環境舒適 使用合規格的材料(日本台灣) 只收$100成本材料費 ,絕不會收其他費用,每次均會消毒工具,保證安全衛生 過程約2小時,需要給拍照before &after(只是眼睛範圍)
J美容 / 植眼睫毛J'beauty

Estate planning is not about your death but the effect of your death financially on your loved ones, including your minor children should the unthinkable happen.

Highly sought after Tower 2 apartment with Full Sea View and Modern decoration. Current Tenancy agreement expires 31/01/21 with rent payable HK$57k per month inclusive of management fee
R物業地產 / 住宅買賣RAYMOND CHOI

專業設計 剪片 動畫﹑短片﹑gif製作 裝嵌SRT字幕 繪圖一應俱全 HKCreativeProduction - Quality Work Only One Click Away 所有設計師均大學畢業(PolyU Design, CityU Media, BU Design),主修設計或動畫 (graphic design/animation/motion graphic)。 俱豐富設計經驗,
H設計 / 電腦動畫HKcreativeproduction

買賣及批發 / 美容KR COSMETIC
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